Frequently used quotations to consider

Here are some frequently used quotations. Please feel free to request a quotation or saying of your choice – or create your own! The length of the quotation depends upon the size of the vessel upon which it is to be inscribed. For a mug, the number of words should be no more than about 29. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or are not sure if your quote will fit.

Adams, Henry



Ali, Mohammed

Allen, James

Amiel, Henri Frederic

Apollinaire, Guillaume


Armstrong, Louis

Aurelius, Marcus

Bacon, Francis

Ball, Lucille

Barrymore, John

Bernard, Dorothy


Brandt, Anthony

Brock, Peter


Burke, Edmund

Campbell, Joseph

Camus, Albert

Caras, Roger

Carroll, Lewis

Cervantes, Miguel

Chesterton, G.K.

Chuang Tsu

Churchill, Winston


cummings, ee

Dalai Lama

Davis, Bette

Dickinson, Emily

Dostoevsky, Fyodor

Edison, Thomas

Einstein, Albert

Eliot, George

Emerson, Ralph Waldo

Exupery, Antoine de Saint

Fosdick, H.E.

Franklin, Ben

Frost, Robert

Fuller, Buckminster

Gandhi, Mahatma

Gates, Bill

Gibran, Kahlil

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang Von

Gordon, Julius

Gretzsky, Wayne

Hemingway, Ernest

Hendrix, Jimi

Henley, William E.


Holmes, Ernest

Holmes, Oliver Wendel

Hugo, Victor

James, William

Jameson, Storm

Jefferson, Thomas

Jung, Carl

Kahlo, Frida

Keller, Helen

Kennedy, Edward M. (Ted)

Kierkegaard, Soren

King, Jr., Martin Luther

Lao Tzu

Leopold, Aldo

Lincoln, Abraham

Luta, Hulali

Luther, Martin

Mandela, Nelson

Mason, John

McAuliffe, Christa

Mead, Margaret

Merton, Thomas



More, Sir Thomas

Mother Theresa

Muir, John

Newton, Isaac

Niebuhr, Reinhold

Nietzsche, Friedrich

Nin, Anais

Obama, Barack

Orwell, George

Osler, Sir William

Otto, Herbert

Paine, Thomas

Pearce, Joseph Chilton

Picasso, Pablo


Proust, Marcel


Purkey, William

Rimbeck, M.L.

Rogers, Will

Roosevelt, Eleanor

Roosevelt, Franklin

Roosevelt, Theodore


Ruskin, John

Saint Francis of Assisi

Samuels, David

Sand, George

Schultz, Charles

Scully, Frank


Seuss, Dr.

Shakespeare, William

Shaw, George Bernard

Shedd, William


Stevenson, Robert Louis

Teasdale, Sara

Thaxter, Celia

Thoreau, Henry David

Tolkien, J.R.R.

Twain, Mark

Ulrich, Laurel Thatcher

Unknown Author

Van Dyke, Henry

Van Gogh, Vincent

Warhol, Andy

West, Mae

Whitefield, George

Whitman, Walt

Wiesel, Elie

Wilde, Oscar

Williams, Ted

Wooden, John

Wright, Frank Lloyd

Yeats, William


My Mom got her mug today and called me in tears.  She said she has never received anything that has meant more to her.  She said it is the most beautiful pottery she has ever seen, and was so deeply moved by the care you took with her favorite verse from the Bible.  Thank you so much for what you do, and for sharing your talent with people who truly appreciate it.

Earthsong Pottery

by Etta Satter

Evergreen, CO


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